Letter from the President September 2021

Happy September. I hope our members and the larger Foreign Affairs Community had a safe and healthy summer. I don’t know about you, but if you asked me a year ago if we would still be experiencing the nuances and frustrations of COVID (wearing masks, quarantining, teleworking and more) come September 2021, I would have said NO WAY!

But here we are.  

In this month’s issue, I want to draw our reader’s attention to Sarah Genton’s article about training and webinars available through FSI, the Transition Center and the Overseas Briefing Center. I was surprised to see how many topics are covered in their array of trainings. Many of these courses are free. We should take advantage of them. In addition, I want to highlight some of our amazing EFMs offering distance learning opportunities for our children. Do you know Alix Bryant or Leah Evans? Scroll through our newsletter to learn more about their businesses focusing on education and US History and see if it’s a good fit for your family. We used both American History Abroad and US History in a Box while posted overseas to provide a gap in US history instruction at the international school.  

Several updates: Unfortunately, due to in-person restrictions and COVID, AAFSW’s annual Art and BookFair will not be held in October. The annual Art and BookFair is AAFSW’s largest fundraiser. In lieu of this fundraiser, please be on the lookout this fall for new and exciting fundraisers. As always, we welcome donations throughout the year. You can do so online here.

AAFSW’s annual awards ceremony that features the SOSA award and CCE-EFM award also fell victim to in-person restrictions and COVID. In November, we will be hosting a virtual awards ceremony in collaboration with DACOR just like last year. Depending on CDC guidance and Washington, DC guidance, we may have a small in-person contingent along with the virtual ceremony.

Lastly, Ann La Porta, chair of AAFSW’s FORUM has finished reviewing the spring survey responses. Thank you again to everyone who filled out a survey. There was a lot of good feedback. AAFSW is preparing a report which will highlight key areas of concern and suggestions on areas AAFSW can best focus our resources. In addition, we will share some pertinent information with our FS partners including AFSA, GCLO and MED.


Lara Center, AAFSW President