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Around the World 5k 2023

The 9th annual Around the World Virtual 5k starts April 1, 2023 and lasts until the end of the
month! For the last nine years, embassy members and teams have trained to run or walk for a
5k at any time during the month of April. This EFM-run event is volunteer-led and driven. The
only requirement for participation is to join the Facebook page and share a photo or a post
upon completing of the 5k. Participants range in age from “riding in a stroller” to “jogging
slowly to save the knees.” Our furry participants all get worldwide praise for participating.
The leadership team of the race often get questions from participants about our requirements.
Do we have to donate? Do we have to run fast? Do we have to run on a track? I don’t want any
more t-shirts, why do I have to buy one? The answer is always, “nothing is required, you do
you.” We provide opportunities to participate in a way that makes sense to you. If your idea of
running bliss is to go off into the mountains by yourself, then that is great! If you like to put
together a big team, arrange a post-race potluck, and give out a mountain of prizes? Fantastic,
how can we support you? This is the ultimate “everyone is a winner” event. Our ultimate goal is
to come together as a community and celebrate our common interests.

Our always generous sponsors this year include Tales from a Small Planet, Team Novasa, Team
Run Run, and Pender Air. Participants are eligible to win prizes from our sponsors such as gift
cards, coaching sessions, dog bowls, handmade pottery mugs, and t-shirts. Optional T-shirts are
available to purchase online, and many teams coordinate to make sure they all wear them for
their Embassy or City 5k.

This year the Around the World 5k is supporting The Mountain Seed Foundation, an EFM led
charity that provides healing to children and families from war-torn countries. They accomplish
this through a variety of programs including mountain-based healing programs, art, and
outdoor therapy. They are currently supporting Ukrainian families through experiential
residency programs, humanitarian relief, and support for families of fallen soldiers. Donations
to the charity of optional but a great way to support an EFM initiative. You can donate at

Our 10th anniversary occurs in 2024. We have lots of fun ideas to celebrate our
accomplishments and our participants. This year we are planning for 2023 and 2024 at the
same time. We hope you can be there for both!

To learn more, please visit our website at www.aroundtheworld5k.com.