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Another test

Hi, I’m Dom and I’m a Success and Life Design Coach for creative high achievers and entrepreneurs living abroad. I started my coaching business in December 2018 with no MBA, no business experience (well, except for my failed startup in 2015), and no idea of how to sell anything. All I knew was that I was passionate about helping people discover their potential. 

My decision to become a fulltime entrepreneur did not happen overnight, but through a decade of experimenting, questioning, and working through my own self-doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs around money, success, and personal achievement. 

There were many moments in my Foreign Service life where I felt down on myself, not being able to find work or feeling confused about my next steps. I left the United States in my early twenties to serve in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica. After that experience, I knew I wanted to make a big impact in the international development space. At the same time, I was dating my partner (now wife), and had big choi