Raising Kids in the Foreign Service Book Launched!

Laura Fabrycky, Patricia Linderman and Anne Sullivan.

Authors in the DC area who donated their work to AAFSW’s newest book gathered on Friday, Nov. 13, to celebrate the publication of this new resource, packed with information, personal stories and humor.
Pictured are Laura Fabrycky, who contributed “Joy for a Dime and a Song: A Case for a Washington, DC Tour with Children”; myself (“Congratulations: You’re Raising a TCK!”); and Anne Sullivan, “Overseas Schools: A Parent’s Guide.” Joshua Archibald, contributor of “Tandem Couples and Kids” also attended. Ana Gabriela Turner, “Traveling with Kids,” and Amanda Fernandez, “An Unaccompanied Tour,” had to cancel (Friday the 13th bad luck?) but were there in spirit.

These chapter titles give you an idea of the range and depth of topics in this book, which will help guide Foreign Service families through all stages of parenting, from pregnancy through college. Other noteworthy articles include “Right Next Door but Worlds Away: Our Adoption Story,” “Mothering Across the Miles” and “Saying Cheers in Three Languages: Foreign Service Kids Talk about Alcohol,” among many others. Eagerly looking through the newly published book’s table of contents, the chapter authors at the launch event agreed that they can’t wait to read the rest of it.

Dynamic editor and project manager Leah Evans, talented cover designer Lauren Ketchum, and all of the authors and assistant editors donated their work to benefit AAFSW. The book is available as a Kindle edition or print-on-demand at amazon.com, and it’s a great gift for friends, family and colleagues!

Patricia Linderman
AAFSW President Emerita