Halloween Fun with AAFSW

On October 26, AAFSW members gathered at the home of Anna Bysfield in Falls Church for a fun and festive Halloween party. The many creative and detailed costumes included Henry the 8th and Catherine of Aragon (Tom and Sheila Switzer), Carmen Miranda (Dr. Joanna Athanasopoulos), a punk rocker (Barbara Reioux), a cat and many more. Prizes were awarded for the best couple, the most creative and the most inspiring costumes.

Participants brought delicious food to share and also raved about the dishes provided by the generous hosts, especially the fantastic chili and tuna salad with cilantro.

Each participant had the opportunity to talk about his or her costume, and we all tried to answer challenging and fun Halloween trivia questions posed by Sheila. Everyone had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones.

Many thanks to Anna and Mark Bysfield for hosting, and to Program Chair Sheila Switzer for organizing the event. Many guests commented that AAFSW events like these provide a lifeline and a sense of home when we return to the U.S. from overseas postings. If you’re in the DC area, please join us for the events in November and December!