Foreign Born Spouses Fall Event

Dear Friends,

September is here and fall is on the way. Summer is the time for restoration of energies with family and friends, for bonding, traveling and enjoying most of the school vacations.

The flower of the month is Aster, which symbolizes powerful love and positivism. It keeps strong through the late summer and early fall.

As you all know by now, I’m assuming the Foreign Born Spouses Chair position from now on.I count on all of you to help me keep this group on the same path as our dear friend Sheila.She has been working with this group for so long and with so much passion and dedication, including the original icon of this newsletter.

For a better approach, let’s celebrate the month of September and the month of Brazil’s independence (my country of birth). I will be waiting for you in my house on September 12 with Brazilian music and drink!

RSVP to or 703-820-5420 to get the address of my Fairfax, VA home.

Time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Any dish to share will be welcome.

Your new FBS Chair,
Anireves Torres