An Exceptional Thanksgiving Luncheon

AAFSW organized an exceptional Thanksgiving lunch for 17 members and guests that brought joy to all. This very special lunch was held at Danuta and Patrick Moon’s residence which was specially decorated for this occasion. The tables were filled with incredibly impressive and tasty food. There was, of course, the traditional turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, and many other delicious dishes.

We warmly welcomed newcomers and asked them to join the AAFSW so they will benefit from the exquisite events that Sheila organizes, among other things. In many of our events we are honored with special guests. On this occasion, we had two very special guests: Miss Jan Du Plain and Dr. Denise Mitchen.

Dr. Denise Mitchen invited the AAFSW group and other guests to visit the African Museum.

During tea, coffee and desserts, we were quizzed about the history of Thanksgiving. Not only was a lot of fun and a great experience but it was also very informative. We learned many things, for example: in 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations of the colonies.

We are all grateful and very thankful for the AAFSW extended family.

Troella Tyznik
AAFSW Assistant Treasurer