EFM Business Highlight: Global Nomad English

I help EFMs communicate confidently in English so that they can make the personal connections they need and pursue the jobs they want.

Stephanie Anderson of Global Nomad English.

I set up my business during the recent EFM hiring freeze, which ended up being a blessing in disguise because it made me take a good look at what I actually wanted to do with my life as a “trailing spouse.” I decided I didn’t want to work in an Embassy if I couldn’t do what I love, which is teaching. As much as I dreaded the idea of starting a business, I knew that it was the only way I could continue my career with the flexibility we need in this lifestyle. And I also realized that I had a skill set that could substantially help other EFMs who face even greater challenges in the job market if they aren’t confident in their English and writing skills. 

Embassy life defaults to English. I know many “foreign-born” EFMs end up feeling isolated due to their lack of language skills. They let job opportunities pass them by because they’re insecure about their writing skills. Or, they struggle to make friends and find the support systems they need because they’re not confident in their conversational skills.

My one-on-one English tutoring and writing coaching provides personalized guided practice during encouraging weekly video chats. With over 12 years of teaching experience and six years as an EFM, my goal is to help expat spouses of any language background to connect personally and excel professionally.

Schedule a free friendly Discovery Call: https://globalnomadenglish.com/latest/